Saturday, November 1, 2008

The Most Shocking Crime Records in Recent Times

Virginia Tech Massacre
When Cho Seung-Hui killed 32 of his fellow students and teachers on the Virginia Tech campus, before turning the gun on himself, many raised fingers at the way the crime was carried out in broad daylight. Not only was it the most horrifying campus shootout ever to happen in America, it was also an event that unearthed many controversial discussions as to how this incident was carried out. Why weren’t the other students informed about a mentally distressed student when the counsellors had knowledge about it? How did the mentally deranged person obtain a gun and why the media didn’t react even after hearing from the troubled South Korean after he killed 2 students in the dorm, before proceeding to carry out the other shootouts? 
The Wrestler’s Tragedy
One would generally associate a lot of hatred and anger with a double murder-suicide act. But interestingly enough, toxicologists found no traces of that in World Wrestling Entertainment star Chris Benoit’s body after he carried out the heinous crime of killing his young son and wife and then hanging himself. Though the wrestling champion had traces of steroids in his body, possibly used to negate out earlier substance abuse, the experts could not find traces of any such substances that could trigger such immense anger to set off the crime. With no suicide note left behind, the incident paved way for huge amounts of speculations all over.
OJ Exposed!
How difficult would it be to nab a person who duped you and was selling off your precious things unlawfully? You would imagine it to be easy to burst into a Las Vegas hotel room with a few friends and putting a stop to the racket by demanding he give your things back or face some very unpleasant music. All would have worked out probably, had it not been for a person present there who caught the entire action on tape. Now OJ is waiting for his trial to begin. He has already pleaded not guilty to several accounts of crime including kidnapping and possession of arms.
Where did Madeline Go?
When her parents left Madeleine McCann in their hotel room on the night of May 3, little had they known that that would be the last time they saw their 3-year-old. The girl was reportedly missing when her parents returned from dinner that night. With investigators from across the world trying to solve the mystery, little Madeline was still untraceable. The hand of an intercontinental child trafficking group was not ruled out and investigators also questioned the parents, Kate and Gerry, after traces of Madeleine’s DNA was found in a car the family had hired. The parents alleged the investigations were inconclusive, and even after celebrities like David Beckham were roped in, the child remained untraceable.
Suicide Attack at Glasgow Airport
In an incident that resembled the 9/11 attacks to a certain extent, a couple of British born Muslims drove a jeep into the Glasgow airport, causing a huge explosion that led to considerable damage. While the driver succumbed to his burn injuries, the passenger, Bilal Abdullah, a doctor, survived to show the world how even education fails to avenge the Islamic hatred towards the western world. The duo was also suspected of planting car bombs all over London before carrying out the suicide bid at the airport.

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